
Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It is considered to be “the only long term solution” to the threat from terrorism

Prevent is about supporting and protecting those people that might be susceptible to radicalisation, ensuring that individuals are diverted away before any crime is committed 

What to do if you notice anything of concern




Take the issue seriously and recognise the potential risk of harm to the child.

Act as quickly as possible to prevent a situation escalating.

Follow your child protection procedures and talk to your Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or, if unavailable, to the alternate designated person without delay in order to get support from other agencies.

Use the Vulnerable to Radicalisation VTR referral form on LSCB website and email to the  MASH:

Phone Customer First if you also have any imminent safeguarding concerns: 

0808 8004005

Click here to watch the powerpoint presentation from SCC about PREVENT