Our Offer
Teaching and Learning
Suggestions for practical solutions built on the evidence, experience and contextual knowledge
Guidance on effective teaching practices including access to The Tilian Teaching Pathway
Access to high quality evidence based professional development opportunities including NQT induction and ECT framework progression
Full support before, during and after Ofsted to ensure you are able to show the best of your school
Support for leaders at all levels with self evaluation and implementation plans
Support and guidance to ensure your improvement work has positive impact
Development opportunities for aspiring leaders
Provide strong collaborative networks across the partnership schools e.g. early years network, SENDCo network, Year group moderations
Mentoring of staff including new to headship
Half-termly coaching sessions for all Headteachers
Access to a high quality central team, all with headship experience within the primary phase, to discuss thoughts, ideas and ask questions to support decision making.
Provide external quality assurance opportunities e.g. deep dives into subjects, health checks to identify areas of strength and progress towards improvements
Signposting guidance and support from beyond the partnership as a result of positive relationships with external stakeholders e.g. the Maths Hub
Condiedential support for heads from the Leadership Support Officer.
Managing Workload and Well– Being
Access to a central website to support teachers and leaders across the trust including shared planning, leadership tools, action plans, preparation for inspections
Reduce workload through Trust-wide exemplars and proformas
Guaranteed bespoke support during times of difficulty
Safeguarding training for staff including termly updates for Headteachers to deliver to their staff
Centrally generated model policies and procedures, which can be amended to meet the needs of your school
Review of school generated documentation and offer suggestions where necessary, signposting to other good examples
Provide timely communications and updates on the current educational landscape